The exhibition and conference has seen more exhibitors and more visitors than the previous event in 2010.
And according to event organiser there has been a change in the make-up of the exhibitors, with more high tech science- based companies, pharmaceutical companies and service companies alongside the equipment companies demonstrating nets, tanks and pumps.
"I am absolutely delighted with the result," said event organiser David Mack.
The response from the exhibitors has been tremendous. They have been delighted with the exhibition."
In all there were about 1,000 visitors to the exhibition and conference and 106 exhibitors up from the 82 exhibitors in 2010.
The next event in two years' time could see some changes as Mr Mack is looking to draw the exhibitors together more at the Aviemore venue.
During the conference students from universities from across the UK and even as far afield as Deakin University in Australia presented research papers to the attendees.
The research ranged from studies of parasites, to the use of canola and linseed oil to replace fish oils in feed to the stress factors that noise has on Atlantic cod.
The students were competing for a prize which included a trip to Canada to see and work in the new labs of pharmaceutical company Novartis on Prince Edward Island.
The winner of the competition was Rogelia Sierra Flores from Mexico, a doctorate student at Stirling University in Scotland. His presentation was on Noise as a Stressor in Atlantic Cod (Gadus Morhua).