Michelle Mbeo, founder of Kenyan tilapia producer Lake View Fisheries, explains her ambitions – both for the company and for the country’s aquaculture sector as a whole.
Mitchell Lench, founder of Ocean’s Balance, believes that working closely with corporate food and pet food companies, rather than creating novel consumer-focused products from scratch, could be a ticket to success for the West’s seaweed sector.
Following promising results from its pilot plant, OoNee has set its sights on building a 200 raceway urchin ranch in Oregon – helping to save kelp forests and produce a significant quantity of a prized seafood.
One of the early advocates of the Philippines’ smallholder seaweed farming industry, Iain Neish, has launched a new project in a bid to breathe new life into the sector.
Wavu aims to link smallholder fish farmers to high quality and affordable inputs, while also guaranteeing their offtakes, in a bid to ensure a more resilient future for tens of thousands of Kenyans.
Steve Sutton, founder of the up-and-coming shrimp producing company TransparentSea, explains his vision for establishing an indoor shrimp farm to supply the high-value Californian market.
Aquasend’s low maintenance water quality sensors are being used by an increasingly wide range of international aquaculture producers, as CEO, Kristin Elliott, explains.
A new, safer and faster way of converting CO2 into protein suitable for aquafeeds is being developed by b.fab, a German startup which aims to help establish a network of simple but effective production hubs around the world.
A background in conventional business makes Chuck Toombs a somewhat unconventional addition to the US seaweed sector, but the founder of Oregon Seaweed believes that this might give him an edge over some of the more idealistically-motivated operators in the sp…
As BioMara kicks off its bid to raise £2 million to fund its processing scale-up to deliver orders for customers, Jay Dignan details how the Scottish startup aims to catalyse the growth of the country’s seaweed sector – right along the value chain.
We’re all too familiar with the scandals that have tainted the seafood sector. But, traceability systems can swiftly address issues such as seafood fraud and forced labour, along with solutions that can help eradicate those practices. Mark Kaplan, the co-found…
While most people on Mexico’s Caribbean coast are driven to despair by the severe blooms of Sargassum that have been dumped on their beaches, Paulina Zanela is looking to find ways of putting “kelp’s ugly sister” to good use.
India’s seaweed sector is dominated by the production of Kappaphycus for the hydrocolloid and biostimulant industries, but Gabriella D’Cruz, founder of The Good Ocean, is determined to diversify the species grown and the applications for these.
Ewan McAsh is the founder and CEO of Oceanfarmr (originally SmartOysters) – a startup that aims to streamline production and open up access to finance for 400,000 producers of oysters, mussels and seaweed around the world.