Dr Judith Brown, director of the Isle of Skye Mussel Company, details the highs and lows of her journey to learn the skills needed to farm mussels on the Scottish Isles.
Its annual production of 60,000 tonnes of mussels makes St Andrews the world’s largest producer of the bivalves, according to the Chilean company’s former farm general manager, Felix Howard.
The impending closure of a mine is threatening the future of Groote Eylandt, in Australia’s Northern Territory, but a new initiative, based on old traditions, aims to develop a sustainable blue economy involving integrated aquaculture and small fisheries busin…
For a decade Tom Ashton has held a fascination with Scotland's native oyster, and today has made it his mission to make the species a commercial and environmental success.
The ocean is absorbing increasing volumes of carbon dioxide, causing it to become more acidic and putting the world’s shellfish industry at risk, although some companies are now finding ways to bounce back.
Sean Crosby gives a behind-the-scenes look at the Kachemak Shellfish Growers’ oyster hatchery in Homer, Alaska – an operation that’s helping to fuel the state’s mariculture boom.
Jeff Hetrick, director of the Alutiiq Pride Marine Institute, a tribally managed marine research facility in Seward, Southeast Alaska, offers insights into the potential offered by the state’s growing mariculture sector, and the pitfalls it needs to overcome.
Aquasend’s low maintenance water quality sensors are being used by an increasingly wide range of international aquaculture producers, as CEO, Kristin Elliott, explains.
Oyster and kelp farming are offering fresh opportunities for the scattered inhabitants of Prince of Wales Island, and those at the sharp end of the industry believe that mariculture could help to secure a sustainable economic future for Southeast Alaska.
Japan and China might be among the leading nations in terms of developing blue carbon markets, but there are still many unknowns and uncertainties in this space - something a forthcoming innovation studio aims to help solve.
Black soldier fly producers are being invited to trial – for free – an innovative filtration system that uses microalgae, sometimes paired with oysters, to remove phosphorous and nitrates from their waste water.