Taking place at the Feira Internacional de Galicia between 23-25 March, the fair had to be extended up to four times to accommodate 152 companies and entities from 23 countries and attracted more than 2,000 visitors.
It was, according to the organisers, a “remarkable figure considering that it is a totally professional audience from a very specific sector, in addition to being the first call for the fair.”
As well as the exhibition itself, this year’s edition included a conference, with topics including the "Internationalization and financing and investment tools in aquaculture", "Clusterization as an instrument for the competitive and sustainable development of aquaculture", "Towards aquaculture 4.0”; “Optimizing the care of aquaculture species: functional and sustainable nutrition as a guarantee of health and well-being”; “Perspectives in mollusc production” and “New trends and innovations for safe and sustainable aquaculture production”.
Meanwhile 24 company presentations were held, as well as a number of cookery demonstrations, which featured locally farmed mussels, clams and trout.
Plans for 2023
The organisers note that many of the companies present have already pledged to return next year.
“The objective of this celebration next year is for the event to grow significantly, due to these good expectations, and to consolidate itself, allowing Galicia and Spain to have an aquaculture fair that is known throughout the world,” they explained in a press release.