© Terje Aamodt, Nofima.
“This year we are hosting a webinar due to the Covid-19 situation, instead of our traditional conference. But we hope you are able to join us!,” says the webinar’s scientific coordinator Jelena Kolarevic.
Kolarevic and colleagues at Nofima in Sunndalsøra have extensive experience with research on production of salmon in closed-containment systems and have arranged conferences with this topic since 2008 in collaboration with local partner, SUNS. Nofima is also leading CtrlAQUA (the Centre for Research-Based Innovation in Closed-Containment Aquaculture) with intensive research activity at their Centre for Recirculation in Aquaculture at Sunndalsøra.
This year’s programme will contain presentations from salmon producers, agencies, researchers, and students from Norway and abroad.
For a broad audience
The webinar is for everyone interested in production of smolt, post-smolt and grow-out – both in land-based and closed containment systems. In 2018, 320 participants from industry, regulators, students, researchers, and investors found their way to the conference. Though taking place via Zoom this year, the webinar will also be available to English-speaking participants.
“We have had professional translators who simultaneously interpret Norwegian presentations into English at two of our previous conferences and we have received positive feedback from our earlier participants. I’m very happy to announce that this year we will also be able to provide English translation to our foreign participants,” says Kolarevic.
“At our webinar you can hear about experiences from farming industry and a lot of exciting new results from research,” she adds.
Go to https://nofima.no/en/activity/smolt-production-in-the-future-2/ for details about the program and registration.