Tilapia are relatively easy to culture and stand out as a source of affordable, high quality animal protein. © FAI Farms
As global tilapia production grows, frontline farmers are seeing fish welfare and nutrition challenges firsthand. Though tilapia are easily cultured and highly adaptable, the industry suffers from under-investment and has a low level of tech uptake when compared to other finfish aquaculture offerings. This under-investment results in preventable production and husbandry problems along the value chain, from hatchery to processing plant. The reduced yields and lower profits are keeping the sector from reaching its potential. But according to FAI Farms, focusing on fish welfare could help the sector reach its production goals.
FAI Farms is an agriculture sustainability consultancy company that works with farmers and corporations to built resilient, restorative and biodiverse food chains. For the last 20 years, the company has partnered with leading food brands and organisations to deliver sustainability and animal welfare improvements – all while maintaining the bottom line.
As part of the company’s efforts to improve the tilapia industry’s fish welfare record, FAI is launching two free online courses on tilapia nutrition and welfare. The courses, offered in both English and Portuguese, will identify welfare and nutrition solutions for hatcheries, farmers and tilapia processors.
Speaking at the Boston Seafood Show, Øistein Thorsen, CEO of FAI, said:
“The goal of these courses is to enable the people who care for the fish every day, to make informed decisions about tilapia welfare and nutrition that will improve growth, health, performance and profitability.”
The first course will focus on tilapia welfare indicators, while the second course on tilapia nutrition and welfare is available in English. These modules are part of a series of courses focused on the basic principles of how to assess the nutritional, environmental, health and behavioural needs of tilapia. The course also gives practical tips on which feed to buy, the feeding routines, husbandry and how to use the nutrition welfare indicators.
Hasim Djamil DVM, veterinarian for Regal Springs Indonesia, said:
“This training course is attractive and pleasant and make complex issues simple and easy to understand. I will share it with my team!”

The course will give practical tips on which feed to buy, the feeding routines, husbandry and how to use nutrition welfare indicators.
After completing each module, learners have the option to do a final quiz and get a free certificate of completion.
“The Tilapia Nutrition and Welfare courses were created by welfare practitioners alongside farmers. It is interactive, easy to access and free to use. Our hope is that this will facilitate large scale adoption of the training within the industry”, said Sara Barrento, e-learning and aquaculture programme manager at FAI.
To learn more and to sign-up for the course, visit the FAI Academy website.