© Lathan Goumas
Launched last October through a NOAA/USDA grant and developed by Virginia Sea Grant, the Aquaculture Information Exchange (AIE) is rapidly becoming the go-to aquaculture hub for over 1,000 aquaculture enthusiasts across the US and beyond.
“Our community is diverse, vibrant and flourishing – comprising growers, hatchery operators, students, researchers, government personnel, nonprofit staff, environmental consultants, educators and more. No matter what you do in the industry, the chances are that there’s someone on the AIE who shares your passion, and it’s easy to connect. This variety is what enriches every interaction on our platform and leads to a dynamic exchange of ideas, insights, and innovation,” explains Joe Caterine, community manager.
“One of the most exciting parts about the AIE is the collaborative problem-solving culture. One of our members recently posted an image of a mystery protist in an oyster gill and quickly received assistance identifying it. When a new farmer asked for advice on insurance, an industry veteran was there to guide him. And when someone needed tech recommendations for field work, our members proposed solutions,” he adds.
“There’s no cost, no ads, and no distractions. Scrolling down our activity feed, you’ll find industry announcements, videos about recirculating aquaculture systems, colleagues chatting about approaches to aquaculture education, and more. As one member put it, it’s ‘like LinkedIn but without the noise,” Caterine explains.
“Work with sea urchins? There’s a group for that. Hosting a webinar? List it with us. Looking to take the next step in your career? Our job board is full of opportunities,” he adds.
“As aquaculture professionals, we play a crucial role in feeding our country, and through the AIE we can amplify our impact, one post, one message, and one collaboration at a time,” Caterine concludes.
Readers can register for the exchange by going to https://aquainfoexchange.org. Once registered they can see the latest articles from The Fish Site at the top corner of the home page.