Gross marine fishery production, which alone accounted for 70 per cent of production, was ¥1,078.7 billion, a 1.8 per cent increase over the previous year.
This is because the production of salmon, mackerel and yellowtail surged, while that of scallops, cuttlefish and whitebait dropped down, the ministry said.
Gross aquaculture production was ¥449.6 billion, a 2.4 per cent increase over the previous year.
It is due to the increase in production of yellowtail and sea-bream, though the output of seaweed and scallops dropped down.
Gross inland water fishery production was ¥24.2 billion. The figure of inland water fishery output is based on the catches for commercial purposes from FY2006, so it does not include the catches for recreational fishing.
Gross inland water aquaculture production was ¥54.4 billion, a 4.2 per cent increase over the previous year. This is mainly because production of eels went up.