AlgaPrime DHA, produced by Corbion, is a key source of omega-3 fatty acids fed to Kvarøy Arctic Atlantic salmon. According to Kvarøy, one 3.5-ounce serving of the brand's Atlantic salmon has over 2,000 mg of long-chain omega-3s, helping to exceed the weekly intake recommendation set by the US Dietary Guidelines and American Heart Association. Additionally, the salmon has a fish-in fish-out (FIFO) ratio well below 1:1, one of the lowest in the aquaculture industry, helping to reduce dependency on marine fisheries.

AlgaPrime DHA, which is extracted from microalgae and has been produced by Corbion since 2016, is incorporated in a unique feed recipe developed by BioMar.
"As Americans are prioritizing health and seeking out nutritious foods during these difficult times, Kvarøy Arctic's effort to communicate the omega-3 health benefits on-pack provides a tremendous value-add for consumers who are looking to eat better," said Chris Haacke, Corbion's global aquaculture lead. "We're thrilled that AlgaPrime DHA's inclusion in the feed and diet of Kvarøy Arctic salmon has helped to support such an important initiative."
In a recent lifelong study of Atlantic salmon by Nofima, DHA-rich algae in feed was shown to provide significant benefits for both the salmon and for consumers. The study revealed that for salmon fed a diet with DHA-rich algae and no fish oil, there was 12 percent higher retention of EPA and DHA in the fillets, better fillet pigmentation, and 17 percent greater body weight, with a similar feed conversion ratio (FCR) and survival rate.
Kvarøy Arctic salmon is sold through Whole Foods Market as well as fish and seafood distributors across the US.