The training in June will address the latest scientific advances in nutritional physiology, use of conventional and alternative ingredients and feeding strategies
Aquaculture is taking on a more important role as a food source in Europe and the Mediterranean. To improve the sector’s competitiveness and sustainability, CIHEAM Zaragoza, a key player in international cooperation for the agriculture and food sector, and the NewTechAqua project, financed by the research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 of the European Union, are organising an advanced international course on feed nutrition, feeding and health in aquaculture.
The training will address the latest scientific advances in nutritional physiology, use of conventional and alternative ingredients and feeding strategies to improve fish health and quality. It also promises to give an overview of new technologies to promote a more sustainable aquaculture industry. It will be given by experts from international institutions and universities, research and businesses from Spain, Italy, Norway and Portugal. The course is designed mainly for professionals, technical advisors and researchers involved in the aquaculture sector.
Bernardo Basurco is the administrator of the area of fisheries and aquaculture of CIHEAM Zaragoza and academic coordinator of the course. He explains: “With this course we aim to provide solutions for the most important challenges that the aquaculture sector faces today, such as how to reduce feed manufacturers’ dependence on fishmeal and fish oil from fisheries and at the same time improve fish health and resistance to disease.”
Within the framework of the European project, the course promotes the use of new technologies for a more sustainable aquaculture. It will be held at CIHEAM Zaragoza (Spain) from 5 to 9 June 2023. Those interested may apply through the CIHEAM Zaragoza portal. There are 30 places available.