The fishery has been closed to recreational and commercial activity since 1 July 2011, after serious concerns were raised by commercial licence holders.
Executive Director at PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture, Professor Mehdi Doroudi, said that a further closure was needed to protect the sustainability of the species in the area.
Advice from the commercial fishing industry has indicated that recruitment into the fishery remains low, Professor Doroudi said.
After consultation with the representative fishing sector bodies the decision has been made to extend the closure for a further 12 months.
The extension to the closure will give the fishery the best possible chance to recover and secure the long term sustainability of Mud Cockle stocks in the Port River.
The closure will see a ban on all fishing for Mud Cockle in the Port River from 1 July 2012 until 30 June 2013.
The closure applies to the Port River and all surrounding waters east of a line from the end of Port Gawler Road to the tip of Lefevre Peninsula, Outer Harbor.
Professor Doroudi said a survey would be undertaken by the South Australian Research and Development Institute in the 2012-13 financial year to monitor the health of the fishery.
We would like to thank fishers for their co-operation and support of the closure over the past year, he said
A decision to recommence Mud Cockle fishing in the Port River next year will be informed by a scientific survey.
Port River Mud Cockle Fishery Closure Extended
AUSTRALIA - The Port River Mud Cockle fishing closure will be extended for another year, due to ongoing concerns about the sustainability of fish stocks.
by Lucy Towers