Seafood in Gender Equality (SAGE) would like to put an end to these
According to SAGE, last year 31.6 percent of speakers at major seafood conferences and events were women. While up from 19 percent in 2018-2019, all-male panels, or “manels,” continue to be the norm at many of the leading seafood conferences in North America. The Speakers’ Bureau for the Seafood Sector aims to help conference and event organisers create inclusive panels, while also helping speakers to find exciting opportunities.
“The seafood sector is highly diverse. Clearly, there is a need to reflect that, and to give voice to the experiences and achievements of women and people of colour. SAGE's Speakers’ Bureau for the seafood sector provides a valuable platform for organisations striving for increased inclusivity,” said seafood industry veteran, Lisa Goché, in a press release.
The Speakers’ Bureau is hosted on SAGE’s website, where panel organisers can browse speakers’ profiles and find the right experts for their needs. Speakers can create profiles, showcasing their expertise and past speaking engagements.
“I attend a lot of conferences and it’s disheartening to see a manel or a panel lacking diversity when I know there are so many qualified experts in this industry that represent historically excluded demographics. We hope that the Speakers’ Bureau will be the one-stop shop for conference, event, and panel organisers to find speakers bringing a diversity of experience and thought to the table, and, in turn, spark innovation and new insights,” said Julie Kuchepatov, founder of SAGE.
Read more about how to add your profile or search for your next panelist here. To learn about sponsorship opportunities, contact Julie Kuchepatov - Julie@seafoodandgenderequality.org,