Last month Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) published a report which alleged that salmon were suffering from a wide range of welfare abuses on six Scottish salmon farms, prompting the RSPCA to suspend the accredited status of those farms.
However, after RSPCA inspections found no evidence to support claims made by CIWF, RSPCA Assured certification has now been reinstated on the six farms with immediate effect

In response to the decision by RSPCA, Tavish Scott, chief executive of the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO), said: “Each of the Scottish salmon farms subjected to unfounded allegations of welfare breaches by the campaigning group CIWF have been thoroughly investigated and given unequivocal bills of clean health. All sites were physically visited and inspected by RSPCA Assured auditors, in addition to extensive reviews of the information initially received. No evidence was found to support the claims made by anti-fish farm activists and RSPCA Assured certification for the sites has been reinstated with immediate effect.”
“Our farmers maintain exemplary standards of fish health and welfare which is why we were adamant that there was no substance to any of these distorted and exaggerated claims. We respect the role that RSCPA Assured plays in keeping our standards high with their unannounced inspections, with auditors welcome on any farm, at any time,” he added.