The event is already proving enormously popular, with 80 percent of tickets already sold. A limited number of tickets are still available here.
More than 100 speakers and panellists have been confirmed and this year. To set the scene, the forum will open with a leadership panel, consisting of the president of Cargill Aqua Nutrition, Helene Ziv-Douki; general manager of Omarsa, Sandro Coglitore; and chairman of Devi Fisheries, Rajagopal Choudary Chitturi.
Meanwhile the breakout sessions will feature industry leaders such as: general manager of Skretting Ecuador, Carlos Miranda; CEO of Marinasol, Roberto Ferron; shrimp buyers Maruha Nichiro and Hidetami Haruta; and managing director of MU Seafood, Shyamal Das.
A full schedule, including all confirmed speakers and panellists, can be found here.
The key topics for this year’s sessions will be:
- The latest import and export trends
- Feed manufacturing and feed ingredients
- Strategies to sustain shrimp production in challenging times
- CEO visions and investor reflections
- Animal welfare and decarbonisation
- Technology and innovation
- Retail and consumption
This year the conference organisers, the Global Shrimp Forum Foundation (GSFF), are also funding a study to inspire discussion about how to promote global shrimp consumption. The preliminary results of the research will be presented and debated as part of the meeting. During an invite-only lunch, the world’s top producers will also discuss the status of establishing a global shrimp council.
With almost four months still to go, the organisers say that they already have 38 sponsors and eight exhibitors confirmed, but have a few additional sponsorship and exhibitor packages remaining. If you are interested, please contact GSFF.