The fifth Smolt Production in the Future conference will be held on 23-24 October in Sunndalsøra, and is organised by Nofima and Sunndal Næringsselskap.

© Kjell Merok, Nofima
At the event, salmon producers, equipment suppliers, governmental agencies and researchers will present their latest knowledge on:
- Production in closed containment systems
- Industry experiences from post-smolt production in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and semi-closed containment systems in sea
- New technical innovations within RAS technology
- The health and welfare of post-smolts
- Management and water quality in RAS
Many presentations will show the latest results from CtrlAQUA – a Centre for Research-Based Innovation (SFI) in closed-containment aquaculture, which was established in 2015 and is hosted by Nofima.
A Q&A event with members of the CtrlAQUA project will take place directly after the conference and delegates will also be given the chance to visit the Nofima Centre for Recirculation in Aquaculture (NCRA) in Sunndalsøra before the event begins.