The 7.6 million kroner of funding is being given to Borregaard in order to investigate the extraction of bioactive substances from spruce.

The goal of the project is to utilise by-products from wood processing by developing high-value products, processes and applications based on bark, chips and twigs from spruce.
According to a company statement: "Possible applications include bacterial inhibitors in personal care products, biological pesticides, animal feed, shrimp farming and the pharmaceutical industry."
“Today, Borregaard utilises about 90 percent of logs for its products. The remainder goes to energy production for our production processes. If we succeed with this project, an even larger proportion of logs will be used for the production of valuable products that the world needs,” said Per A Sørlie, CEO of Borregaard.
The funding is part of the BIA programme of the Research Council of Norway, which is allocating a total of NOK 475 million to 49 innovative projects in various Norwegian industries nationwide. The funding will be distributed over three years.