The award is presented at the Striped Bass Growers Association (SBGA) General Membership Meeting which is held during the SBGA Industry Forum at Aquaculture America each year.
Applicants for the Landry Award will, among other items, be asked to provide a summary (two-four pages) detailing their research accomplishments.
This year, the travel assistance budget has been increased to $500.
Therefore, starting with the applications accepted in autumn 2011 for the 2012 awards, two Striped Bass Growers Travel Awards of $250 each will also be awarded to deserving college students who demonstrate an interest in Morone or Morone hybrid culture and/or aquaculture in general as a career.
Students not awarded the Landry Award will automatically be considered for the Travel Awards, for which they will be given preference when considering applications.
Winning students should arrange to be present at the SBGA Industry Forum to hear the presentations (when not making their own presentations elsewhere), and will receive their awards at the start of the SBGA General Membership Meeting.
The winner of the Landry Award will be expected to give a five-ten minute presentation about their research.
More details will be available on the SBGA website (www.stripedbassgrowers.org) sometime in October.