After months of research in the open sea, floating cages for experimental cultivation of shrimp have been created.
The draft White Shrimp Mariculture was conducted in parallel with two-stage culture; in a cage 350,000 postlarvae were planted to observe their growth and another 270,000 were cultured to analyse their adaptation and evolution in captivity.
After 16 weeks of continuous monitoring and sampling, good results were obtained by obtaining a harvest of white shrimp in captivity with sizes ranging from 14 to 16 grams.
The results of this project show evidence that the development of mariculture and aquaculture are a viable alternative for the production of seafood in the country.
The successful development of the draft white shrimp mariculture also provides an alternative business investment for Mexico and will help create jobs and strengthen income in coastal communities.
White Shrimp Mariculture System Created
MEXICO - For the first time in Mexico, the culture of white shrimp in a mariculture system, derived from the joint work of scientists at the National Fisheries Institute (INAPESCA), specialists of the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (CONAPESCA) and producers of Sonora, created an initial harvest of 4.7 tons.
by Lucy Towers