By Jane Jordan, TheFishSite Editor. Compared with other animal transportation, the transport of fish receives very little attention from the science. There have been few studies into the effects transit has to fish welfare, health, biosecurity and overall prod…
By Roy P.E. Yanong, Kathleen H. Hartman, Craig A. Watson, Jeffrey E. Hill, B. Denise Petty, and Ruth Francis-Floyd, University of Florida, IFAS Extension.
By L. Swann, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program, Purdue University - Fish, shellfish, and plants often are transported in sealed plastic bags containing small quantities of water and pure oxygen.
By Solveig Nygaard, Fiskehelse og Milj AS, Veterinary Specialist - In the early years of the salmon industry in Norway, vaccination by hand was essentially the only method used to vaccinate fish. However, since then, a number of vaccination machines have appea…
By Intervet - Fish vaccination during the last decade has proven to be highly effective in reducing economic losses caused by mortality and reduced growth.
By Gary L. Jensen and published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service - Fish transport is often the final step in production. Most labor and production costs have already occurred, and any fish loss from death…
Safely transporting fish from the hatchery to the pond and then on to the market is a very important part of aquaculture, says the University of Auburn.
From The USDA's APHIS - These guidelines apply to the following farmed species of fish: salmonids and cyprinids. The guidelines may also apply to other fish species. The length of time fish spend on a transport should be as short as possible.
Since cultured catfish get only a small portion of their food nutrients naturally, they must be fed a complete feed, according to scientists from Mississippi State University.
Tilapia is native to Africa and the Middle East. A decade ago, few people knew much about tilapia. Today, it has emerged to become the second biggest aquatic species group after the carp group, with a worldwide harvest of over 2 million metric tons (MT), about…
By Gregory N. Whitis, Alabama Cooperative Extension System and published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service - To be profitable, an aquaculturepond must be sited properly and designed for efficiency. An inac…
By Marley Beem, Oklahoma State University and published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service - The outlook for aquaculture in this country is bright. Health-conscious consumers are increasing their consumptio…
For more than two decades, fish farms in the Bet Shean Valley of Israel have cultured a local stock of tilapia derived from hybridizing blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) and Nile tilapia (O. niloticus), write Reuven Godel, Reshafim Fish Farm, Amitay Geva, Mini…
Tilapia is globally recognized as one of the most important aquaculture species of the 21st century. Tilapia culture has expanded rapidly in a wide range of farming environments from extensive to intensive in both fresh and brackish water in Asia including Ban…
This study by Yukinori Mukai, International Islamic University Malaysia, and Leong Seng Lim, University Malaysia Sabah, examined the retinomotor responses and prey ingestion rates of 10-, 15-, 20- and 30-day-old Asian seabass Lates calcarifer under different l…
Several indices were examined to assess the physical condition of wrasse stocked on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, farms as cleaner fish, and included examination of eye condition, snout erosion, skin hemorrhaging, and erosion and splitting of dorsal, pectoral,…
Omer M. Yousif, Kumar K.M. Krishnankutty and Abdul Fatah Ali, Aquaculture and Marine Studies Center, Abu Al Abyad Island, Department of the President's Affairs, looked at the reproductive performance, growth and survival of wild and pond-reared giant tiger shr…
Amount of oxigen dissolved
Evaporation and filtering
Water temperature
Water temperature shall be between 25 and 32°C, being the optimal between 29 …
Discussion of the current shrimp disease crisis focuses on the microbiology of pathogens and the regulations needed to limit their spread locally and across national boundaries (FAO 2008; Jones 2012; Lightner 2012; Reantaso 2012). In this study I …
Worldwide harvest of farmed tilapia has now surpassed 800,000 metric tons, and tilapia are second only to carps as the most widely farmed freshwater fish in the world, reveal Thomas Popma, from Auburn University and Michael Masser from Texas A&M University…
Marine protected areas (MPAs) have received increasing attention as tools in fisheries management and conservation. However, examples of replicated experiments that sampled organismal density before and after establishment of MPAs at sites both in…
INDIA - A scientist and his team of the Division of Fisheries Science, Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI), Port Blair, have initiated research on breeding and larval rearing of Giant Freshwater Prawn (M Rosenbergii) under controlled conditions at t…
By Laura Tiu and Geoff Wallat, Ohio State University - This article provides answers to a number of frequently asked questions regards the cultivation of freshwater prawns in ponds. The article has a focus on Southern Ohio but is equally relevant to many other…
By Aquamedia - Welcome to Aquatour, a virtual tour of European fish farming. Aquatour takes you across Europe to see what fish are reared, how and where fish are farmed and to meet the people who work in this dynamic and developing sector. The 5 farms included…
For her doctorate, Dr Janicke Nordgreen has studied nociception and pain in teleost fish. Her conclusion is that it is very likely the fish feel pain, according to the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science.
Following a request from the European Commission, the AHAW Panel was asked to deliver a Scientific Opinion on the animal welfare aspects of husbandry systems for farmed seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and seabream (Sparus aurata). This Opinion was later publish…
By Don Webster, Eastern Shore Area Agent and Don Merritt, Shellfish Aquaculture Specialist, published by Maryland Sea Grant, University of Maryland - If you thought that the only reason to raise oysters was for market, there are several hundred people in Maryl…
Randy Sell, Research Assistant and Dwight Aakre, Farm Mangement Specialist, North Dakota State University report on farming tilapia and discuss the characteristics, marketing and economic feasibility of tilapia aquaculture.
By Mr. David L. Heikes, Dr. Carole R. Engle, and Dr. Pierre Justin Kouka, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff - In May of 1993, a pilot catfish verification program was initiated by the Arkansas Cooperative Extension System to provide production support to th…