Coral Vita is employing cutting edge- aquaculture methods to protect the world’s coral reefs, in a bid to protect these vital ecosystems against the ravages of climate change.
A background in conventional business makes Chuck Toombs a somewhat unconventional addition to the US seaweed sector, but the founder of Oregon Seaweed believes that this might give him an edge over some of the more idealistically-motivated operators in the sp…
The province of Tawi-Tawi in the Philippines was once ground zero for tropical seaweed cultivation, and the industry remains its economic lifeline to this day. Five decades after its inception, however, a thorough transformation is needed.
James Joslin, co-founder of the marine tech startup MarineSitu, discusses the budding opportunities for marine monitoring across ocean-based industries, and how his company is gearing up for a move into the world of aquaculture.
Oyster and kelp farming are offering fresh opportunities for the scattered inhabitants of Prince of Wales Island, and those at the sharp end of the industry believe that mariculture could help to secure a sustainable economic future for Southeast Alaska.
How Ecuador’s shrimp industry has established itself as a global model of sustainability is set to be the key theme of an event taking place on 22 October during AquaExpo Guayaquil.
Egypt has huge potential to increase its production of marine species, in sea cages, coastal ponds and well-based inland farms according to Dr Mohamed Abdel Rahim, one of the country’s leading aquaculture experts.