Current efforts to decrease fish discards from the catch use discard estimates based on observers placed on vessels, but length composition data from scientific research trawls can help to improve the estimates at a regional level, allowing improved legislatio…
Dr Shelley Clarke, Technical Coordinator-Sharks and Bycatch of the ABNJ Tuna Project under the FAO-led Common Oceans Program, co-authored a global review of status and mitigation measures for bycatch in longline fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species.
Including small amounts of garlic in the diet of Nile tilapia led to an increase in growth rates, suggests a study from A.I. Mehrim and colleagues from Mansoura University in Egypt.
The objectives of the Aquaculture for Food Security, Poverty Alleviation and Nutrition (AFSPAN) project were to strengthen the knowledge base and develop new and more rigorous methodologies of quantifying the contribution of aquaculture to combat hunger and po…
Salmon raised in a reduced photoperiod environment of 18 hours light are more likely to show undesirable early maturation than those raised under 24 hour light, write Christopher Good and colleagues from the Conservation Fund's Freshwater Institute and USDA-AR…
A new study has shown that the dottyback, a small predatory reef fish, can change the colour of its body to imitate a variety of other reef fish species, allowing the dottyback to sneak up undetected and eat their young.