Omega Farm in Fujairah is one of pioneers of fish farming in the UAE, combining innovation, sustainability, and a strong focus on research and development.
Producing sterile animals brings a wide range of advantages over producing fertile ones and genome editing is currently the most promising technique for ensuring that sterilisation is both feasible and effective.
Egypt has huge potential to increase its production of marine species, in sea cages, coastal ponds and well-based inland farms according to Dr Mohamed Abdel Rahim, one of the country’s leading aquaculture experts.
While aquaculture has not always been well-received around the Greek islands, one family has managed to combine fish farming with tourism, suggesting that the two sectors can successfully co-exist.
Saudi Arabia is set to host its largest ever exhibition related to sustainable seafood production on 4-6 February, with over 12,000 visitors due to attend.
Libyan-based Dr Jamila Rizgalla, head of the Department of Aquaculture at the University of Tripoli, talks about her journey into the aquaculture sector and how she is working to progress aquaculture development in her country
Seawater Cubes have developed a unique RAS designed to produce nearly 8 tonnes of fish from units made from four shipping containers and has recently moved from the pilot to commercial phase.
NTT Corporation recently announced a three-step plan, in partnership with Regional Fish Institute, to use RAS facilities to produce fish and shellfish that have been fed on home-grown algae, setting up a joint venture called NTT Green & Food Co.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly relevant in aquaculture research and production in recent years – with both startups and established companies developing new AI-based applications for the industry.
While many grandiose aquaculture projects have failed to live up to their promise in the Middle East, Fish Farms LLC – which includes a hatchery, cage farms and RAS facilities in Dubai – offers an example of what can be achieved under testing conditions.