Channel catfish are the most important species of aquatic animal commercially cultured in the United States. In this article – published on the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service – Thomas L. Wellborn from the Univ…
For more than two decades, fish farms in the Bet Shean Valley of Israel have cultured a local stock of tilapia derived from hybridizing blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) and Nile tilapia (O. niloticus), write Reuven Godel, Reshafim Fish Farm, Amitay Geva, Mini…
This is a review by Hans Komen, Wageningen University, Netherlands and Trinh Quoc Trong, Research Institute for Aquaculture, Viet Nam, of the current developmental state of Nile tilapia selective breeding programs, most of which have focused mainly on growth r…
Given the nutritional value and profile (comparability of amino
acids, EFA, and micronutrients) of maggot meal (MM), this study, by Emilie Devic et al, University of Stirling, evaluates strategies for the substitution of fish meal (FM) by MM, different method…
Tilapia is globally recognized as one of the most important aquaculture species of the 21st century. Tilapia culture has expanded rapidly in a wide range of farming environments from extensive to intensive in both fresh and brackish water in Asia including Ban…
All Tilapias are native to Africa, but have been distributed to every continent not covered in ice. The global tilapia farming industry currently produces 3.5 million tons which are worth almost $6 billion, over 80% of which is produced outside of Africa. In A…
TEXAS - The Gulf Marine Institute of Technology (GMIT), an IRS approved non-profit research institute, has been trying to initiate aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico since 1995 and has been involved in a "duel with the titans" to convince current Lt. Governor a…
Collection and Submission of Samples for Fish-Kill Investigation and Toxic-Substance Analysis - By Robert A. Pierce, Extension Fish and Wildlife Specialist; Thomas W. May, National Biological Survey, National Fisheries Contaminant Research Center and V. Charle…
Worldwide harvest of farmed tilapia has now surpassed 800,000 metric tons, and tilapia are second only to carps as the most widely farmed freshwater fish in the world, reveal Thomas Popma, from Auburn University and Michael Masser from Texas A&M University…
James E. Rakocy, University of the Virgin Islands and Andrew S. McGinty, University of Puerto Rico and published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service - In the U.S., the most appropriatespecies of tilapia for …
A new book by scientists based in the Caribbean titled 'Cage culture, the practice of rearing fish in cages', offers a practical overview of how to rear tilpia in net pens.
By the USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service - The European Commission (EC) has published a proposal concerning the animal welfare of farmed fish to be adopted at the November 2005 meeting of the Standing Committee of the European Convention for the Protection of…
By Janet Raloff and published by Science News Online - Aquaculture - farming fish for our dinner tables - is a big and growing international industry. Because many of the tastiest and most-profitable farmed fish are carnivores, their prepared diets usually inc…
Aquaculture Outlook Report - October 2005 - By U.S.D.A., Economic Research Service - This article is an extract from the October 2005: Aquaculture Outlook Report, highlighting Global Aquaculture Industry data.
By David Cox, the Fish Vet Group - The Veterinary Health Plan (VHP) has been used for several years as part of good farming practice in many terrestrial animal production systems and forms the basis of several herd and flock health schemes.
By Pete Southgate, the Fish Vet Group - While oxygen and ammonia levels are often viewed, rightly, as critical to fish health and performance, carbon dioxide tends to be ignored and very few aquaculture facilities regularly monitor CO2 levels. This is partly d…
By Laura Tiu and Geoff Wallat, Ohio State University - This article provides answers to a number of frequently asked questions regards the cultivation of freshwater prawns in ponds. The article has a focus on Southern Ohio but is equally relevant to many other…
Construction of Levee Ponds for Commercial Catfish Production - By Jim Steeby and Jimmy Avery, Mississippi State University. Published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service. Proper design and construction of p…
By - Nearly after two decades of steady adoption of commercially viable farming techniques, Tilapia is making inroads into the seafood market as a preferential substitute for the traditional white meat fishes.
Published by Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific - The main species of Pangasid catfishes recently adopted for culture with Indian Major Carps are Yellowtail catfish (Pangasius pangasius) and Sutchi catfish (Pangasius sutchi). These fishes were intr…
By Donald W. Freeman USDA, ARS Aquaculture Systems Research Unit, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff - A study is underway to assess the effectiveness of initially feeding a small-diameter, starter feed to mixed-size catfish ponds understocked a majority of …
By Ken Schultz - The American and European eels are member of the Anguillidae family of freshwater eels. They are common and have been the object of many wild tales speculating on the nature of their existence.
By DuPont Animal Health Solutions. This report looks at the importance of Biosecurity on protecting fish stocks. The intensification of fish production provides an ideal environment in which disease-causing organisms can flourish and cause serious damage to pr…
Randy Sell, Research Assistant and Dwight Aakre, Farm Mangement Specialist, North Dakota State University report on farming tilapia and discuss the characteristics, marketing and economic feasibility of tilapia aquaculture.
By Mr. David L. Heikes, Dr. Carole R. Engle, and Dr. Pierre Justin Kouka, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff - In May of 1993, a pilot catfish verification program was initiated by the Arkansas Cooperative Extension System to provide production support to th…
By Jim Steeby and Jimmy Avery, Mississippi State University. Published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service. Proper design and construction of ponds is critical to the success of a commercial catfish operatio…
By the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - The classification, structure and biological function of the essential nutrients are described; including proteins and amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and energy. The quan…