Following the UK’s impending departure from the European Union, while keeping many close ties with Europe, the country’s aquaculture industry is increasingly looking for opportunities that lie outside Europe, with 90 percent of global production and markets for aquaculture products situated in the rest of the world.
13.00. Registration, tea and coffee
13.40. Welcome and introductions (Aquaculture UK)
13. 50 Ministerial address – Fergus Ewing MSP - Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy
14.00. Aquaculture: Global Food Security by 2030
Melanie Siggs, Director of Strategic Engagements, Global Aquaculture Alliance
14.20. M&S Select Farms – Transparency, Integrity and Sustainability within Global Aquaculture Supply Chains
Patrick Blow, aquaculture manager, Marks & Spencer
14.40. The World Economic Outlook for Aquaculture
Kolbjorn Giskeodegard, Senior Seafood Analyst, Nordea Bank
15.00. Q&A session with speakers 1 (Melanie Siggs & Kolbjorn Giskeodegard)

15.15. Networking break: Tea and Coffee
15.45. Bass to Basa, Snakehead to Salmon: A Tour of Global Aquaculture Species
Nicki Holmyard, director, Offshore Shellfish
16.05. Reaching Out: International Collaboration and Cooperation for UK Aquaculture
David Little, Professor of Aquatic Resources and Development, Sustainable Aquaculture Group, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling
16.25. Africa: Engaging with the World’s Next Aquaculture Superpower?
Clifford Spencer, CEO The National Aquaculture Centre, UK; Goodwill Ambassador, The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD); Chairman, Aquaculture without Frontiers; CEO The Global Biotechnology Transfer Foundation; Senior Agriculture and Bioenergy Adviser, United Nations Foundation.
16.45. Q&A session with speakers 2 (Nicki Holmyard, David Little, Clifford Spencer
17.00 End
The event is taking place in the Biosphere Room, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh. It's free to attend, but spaces are limited. To secure your place register now via Eventbrite.