The name of cherry or masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) is derived from the fact that it is often harvested during the cherry blossom season in Japan. The farm, which also produces coho salmon, is based in Kamaishi City in Iwate Prefecture along the Kamaishi Bay.
The company collaborated with the city and Iwate University to begin cherry salmon farming trials in November 2020. It then moved on to trial farming of coho salmon then launched a full-scale business last year. The company is currently using four 40-metre-diameter circular fish cages and aims to ship 1,000 tonnes of cherry salmon and coho salmon yearly.
Izumisawa Suisan's president, Hiroshi Izumisawa, stated: "We are very honoured to have our achievements in environmentally friendly aquaculture recognised. This certification is trusted internationally, and we would like to utilise it in our future sales strategy."
Izumisawa also aims to work towards exports to European countries with the acquisition of ASC certification.
ASC general manager in Japan, Koji Yamamoto, said: “We are delighted to recognise Izumisawa Suisan’s contribution to responsible commercial farming of cherry salmon. Through this certification, we are able to increase environmental responsibility and social awareness in the farming of cherry salmon and at the same time create an opportunity to promote this rare Japanese delicacy locally and globally.”
Izumisawa added: "Obtaining certification has been our goal since we started our aquaculture business. Through this certification, we hope to expand our sales channels, ensure a stable supply of raw materials, and work to improve the income and social status of our fishermen."