CageEye, which is based in Oslo, has developed hydroacoustic technology that makes it possible to precisely observe the behaviour of fish in cages, and to use the data to facilitate machine learning.

“This technology helps farmers understand exactly when the fish are hungry, so they can feed on demand, thereby reducing feed waste while also improving the health and welfare of the fish,” said Bendik Søvegjarto, CEO of CageEye, in a press release.
Other companies newly joining the Puerto Varas-based Acuicola Innovation Club include Patagonia ROV, GX Consultores, and Innocon.
“We will work together, both with each other and with leading companies and people in coastal communities, to promote technology-led developments of the aquaculture sector as well as of the economy more broadly,” said Dr Sunil Kadri, director of international business development at CageEye.
“Through collaboration, we expect to develop good practices that will improve both the efficiency of aquaculture and the health and welfare of fish in cages, and these solutions will be relevant to both local and international companies,” he added.
“Being able to exchange perspectives, approaches and solutions with these companies and with Chilean suppliers will help us come up with joint projects that will help modernise the aquaculture sector.”