Its annual production of 60,000 tonnes of mussels makes St Andrews the world’s largest producer of the bivalves, according to the Chilean company’s former farm general manager, Felix Howard.
Robins McIntosh reflects on a year that’s seen continued challenges for shrimp exporters, an increase in bacterial diseases… and the experience of being caught up in a student uprising that overthrew a government.
Kontali shrimp production analyst Erwin Termaat takes a deep dive into El Niño and La Niña - the climate systems intrinsically linked to Ecuador’s shrimp farming industry - providing insight into past trends and future outlooks.
The meteoric growth of Ecuador’s shrimp production has finally come to the halt due to low shrimp prices and weak Chinese demand, but analysts expect the shrimp world’s export leaders to make more inroads into the US market.
Tilapia farming in sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing incomparable growth rates, and experts expect these to continue apace, as it bids to finally fulfil its aquaculture potential.
How Ecuador’s shrimp industry has established itself as a global model of sustainability is set to be the key theme of an event taking place on 22 October during AquaExpo Guayaquil.
Although aquaculture production is becoming the fastest contributor to the food sector, the Caribbean has seen slower growth and accounts for less than 1 percent of global aquaculture production.
At a time when the shrimp sector shows signs of increasing consolidation, Gorjan Nikolik prepares to speak to some of the key architects of the industry's biggest mergers and acquisitions.
Global shrimp production is forecast to reach 5.7 million tonnes this year and 6.1 million next – up from 5.4 million in 2023 – according to Erwin Termaat, shrimp analyst at Kontali.
The global salmon sector has been experiencing one of the most challenging periods for many years, with production issues in Norway and Chile being particularly acute.
CageEye believes that its hydroacoustic sensors can help alleviate the fish health issues that have been increasingly plaguing the salmon farming industry in recent years, according to Sunil Kadri, who acts as a consultant for the company’s business developmen…