Aid will be given for the stoppage time of the fleet which routinely operates in the fishing grounds of Guinea Bissau.
The halt of fishing came as a recommendation by the European Commission as it could not guarantee the safety of ships, due to the political situation in the country.
Aid was granted for a period of three months from 16 June to 15 September 2012 inclusive, and may be available for a further six months as the situation continues.
The total amount allocated for the funding of these grants is raised to a higher amount of €1,700,000.
A total of 11 vessels and eight trawlers were affected.
Call for Temporary Aid After Fishing in Guinea Bissau Waters Halted
SPAIN - The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, published in the Official Gazette two Ministerial Orders which summon aid for fishermen hit by the temporary cessation of fishing due to the conclusion of the Guinea Bissau agreement.
by Lucy Towers