The Global Shrimp Forum is the place where industry leaders come together to discuss the most pressing issues their businesses face, and to develop a vision on the long-term strategy towards a resilient and sustainable industry.
Following a successful debut last year, the event will take place again next week in the Dutch city of Utrecht.
An impressive programme of speakers and panellists has been confirmed for this year’s event. The cohort of speakers featured includes industry leaders such as Rajagopal Choudary Chitturi, Chairman of Devi Fisheries; Adam Brennan, Chief Sustainability Officer at Thai Union; and Gibran Huzaifah, Founder and CEO of eFishery.
Representatives from the Food Safety Authority of the EU and the National Fisheries Institute of the US will give a regulatory update, and attendees will also have the opportunity to discuss developments in technology and innovation in the shrimp industry, with a designated session chaired by ThinkAqua’s Anton Immik.
Willem van der Pijl, joint founder of the Global Shrimp Forum and speaker at this year’s Shrimp Trade Statistics seminar commented on the success of last year’s debut, and his excitement for this year’s event.
In a press release, he said: “Last year’s inaugural event was hugely successful, and marked the first truly global opportunity for people throughout the sector to come together and discuss key common issues”.
“We are delighted that the event is returning next week with such an exciting and thought-provoking programme. I very much look forward to speaking this year and meeting with delegates from across the globe”, he added.
As a non-profit foundation the Global Shrimp Forum uses any financial surplus generated from event to contribute financially to projects aligned with the foundation's mission. This year the surplus was used to support restoration of Indonesian mangroves, and to fund a study into improving the promotion of shrimp.