It will be followed by the Leroy Hydrotech - Hogsneset Nord Farm later this month. The first ASC certified products for responsibly farmed salmon are expected to be available to the market by the end of the year.
The Norwegian producer Villa Organic will also soon announce their first ASC salmon audit: “Villa is proudly promoting ASC and is looking forward to soon bringing ASC certified salmon to the market” says Ove Magnar Thu, Managing Director Villa Sales.
Several other international companies have expressed their commitment to the ASC salmon programme. Marine Harvest, the world's largest producer of farmed salmon, publicly announced that they will seek ASC certification for all their salmon farms, making it the largest company to commit to the ASC certification programme.
First Farm Audited Against ASC Salmon Standard
On 11 June 2013, the Bremnes Seashore AS farm in Norway became the first farm to be audited against the Salmon Standard.
by Lucy Towers