The participants came from Australia, Hong Kong SAR (China), Indonesia, India, Iran, Malaysia, Oman, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago and Vietnam.
The training course from 5-25 May 2008 in BADC Situbondo, Indonesia was officially opened by Dr Made L Nurdjana, Director General for Aquaculture, Directorate General for Aquaculture. The opening ceremony also attended by the Head of the Situbondo District Fisheries, and the Head of the East Java Provincial Fisheries.
The participants were able to conduct hands-on activities from egg harvest to larviculture.
Field trips to hatchery, nursery and grow-out of grouper and marine finfish were organized to enable participants to have a broader understanding of the overall marine finfish operation in Indonesia.
InterVet provided support to the training course by sending Dr Cedric Komar, Technical Manager, to provide lectures on health management in marine aquaculture to participants.
In additional to providing the scholarships for the training course, Skretting sent its Technical Manager from the Marine Hatchery Feeds Division, Mr Nick King, to provide presentations and demonstrations of rotifer culture, rotifer and Artemia enrichments for the training course.