This authorisation will affect 22 boats and will last for three months. It will allow the fleets to fish for other species in areas 12 miles off the coast of any Member State or Third Country.
These changes will allow the surface longline fleet, which has had its bluefin tuna quotas reduced, to fish for other species, allowing the trade and economic exploitation of vessels making use of the same resources throughout the year.
This measure will allow the better utilisation of fisheries resources in the Mediterranean, performing both sustainable fisheries, and without interfering with the activity of the smaller fleets.
Longline Fleets Allowed to Catch other Species
SPAIN - The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, through the Secretariat General of Fisheries, has authorised, as of the 13 April, temporal changes to the type of species fished by the longline fleet in the Mediterranean.
by Lucy Towers