The company is now focused on developing a plan for cleaning and disinfecting the farm site, as per the requirements of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
The fish removed from the site were transported in a contained harvest boat, off-loaded into self-contained tanker trucks and taken to a composting facility near Port Alberni. Strict biosecurity measures were followed throughout the entire procedure.
Last week, the provincial Animal Health Laboratory detected the presence of the IHN virus using multiple tests, prompting Mainstream Canada to act quickly to remove fish from the farm site. On Tuesday, 22 May, the presence of the IHN virus was confirmed in a cell culture done by the provincial lab.
The initial tests also included screening for the presence of the ISA and VHS viruses and the bacteria which causes BKD. Both screening and confirmatory tests were only positive for IHNV.
Mainstream Canada Dixon Bay Farm is Now Empty
CANADA - The last fish were removed from Mainstream Canada's Dixon Bay farm late Monday night and the site is now empty.
by Lucy Towers