A total of 45 participants attended, including representatives from eleven NACA member countries, regional organizations, NGOs, academic institutions and the private sector. The objectives of the workshop were to bring together expertise from major producing countries in the region to establish a collaborative research and development programme that will support responsible mariculture, and social and economic development, among coastal communities in the region.

Dr. Zilong Tan of Intervet Norbio Singapore was invited to give a presentation on "Health Issues in Mariculture in the Asia-Pacific Region: an Industry Perspective" (co-authored with Cedric Komar and William Enright). If you are interested in a copy of his presentation, please send a request to Zilong.Tan@Intervet.com
Country reports, thematic reviews and the final plenary presentations for this workshop are available for download from the NACA website
Source: Intervet International b.v. - 9th March 2006