A primary goal of this study is to identify and analyze the decision making related to the planning and allocation of land for farming.
Aquaculture is an important industry with great potential, but access to sufficient and suitable land in the coastal zone is a critical prerequisite for realizing the industry's growth potential.
The municipalities that holds the key to the use of land in the coastal zone.
An important question is thus why some coastal municipalities want to arrange for aquaculture, while others facilitate land for aquaculture. Studies of interactions between aquaculture businesses and communities, between business and local government, and the relationship between governments at various levels will be central to the project.
Project partners are Nofima, Nordland Research Institute, University of Nordland and Science Park in Bodo, the project owner and manager of aquaculture cluster NCE Aquaculture.
Research Takes Place on Legitimacy of Aquaculture
NORWAY - The Research Council of the aquaculture programme has allocated 4.2 million for a three-year project on the aquaculture industry's legitimacy at the local level and the factors that affect access to land in the coastal zone.
by Lucy Towers