All of the companys South Island marine farms will be sold and the Beatty Street
mussel factory is expected to close at the end of September. New roles will be
offered to all permanent staff.
Dorje Strang, Sealord Aquaculture General Manager said the company has been
talking with employees about a proposed sale for some time.
This part of the business employs 50 permanent waged and salaried staff. Our
intention is to offer all of these people alternate roles in our Vickerman Street
business. This is a reflection on the fantastic people in this team who have worked
extremely hard over the last few years, he said.
While Sealord believes the mussel business has a bright future, the companys focus
is on deep water fishing and to fund further investment in this area without increasing
debt, assets need to be sold.
We have made a pragmatic business decision about where Sealord needs to focus
our resources to keep our business successful and enable it to grow, said Mr Strang.
We are confident in the future outlook for our New Zealand fisheries and for the
Vickerman Street processing facility and expect to continue to back this confidence
with further investment in our people and facilities.
Sealord Plans to Sell South Island Mussel Assets
NEW ZEALAND - A focus back on its core fishing business has resulted in Sealords plan to sell its South Island mussel farming and processing assets.
by Lucy Towers