Strategic seaweed farming sites developed by the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR-CMFRI) along the India-Pakistan border marine waters of Kori and Padala have received praise from India’s Principal Secretary Dr P. K. Mishra, during an official visit to the sites. Mishra’s visit marked a significant moment for India's aquaculture sector in the context of ensuring political security, as he reviewed the developmental activities of the region.
The project's strategic significance, particularly in regions like Kutch, situated along the India-Pakistan border is one of the key highlights of the project, positioning it to redefine the Indian seaweed sector.
During the visit, Mishra was briefed on operational specifics of the seaweed farms, such as the use of indigenous seaweed raft design dedicated to cultivating the resilient seaweed species Kappaphycus alvarezii. The raft design allows for flexibility, manoeuvrability, and ease of operations, with each having a predicted yield of up to 400 tonnes and a lifespan of twenty years.
Additionally, Mishra was briefed on the cultivation technology and sustainable farming practices employed at the farms, and expressed keen interest in the economics of production and the socio-economic implications of the aquaculture operation.
The CMFRI hope that the visit of Secretary Mishra will boost the Institute’s aquaculture research initiatives, and open up new opportunities for technology innovation and farmer well-being in the near future.