During the initiative, the supermarket gave away free samples of less popular types of seafood to anyone who bought one of the big five eating varieties of cod, haddock, tuna, salmon and prawns. Scottish rope grown mussels was one of the alternative types of seafood selected for the free sample give-away, and according to Rob Mitchell of SSMG, they went down a treat with shoppers.
The Switch the Fish campaign was a great success and it really highlighted to consumers the fantastic taste of mussels and their simplicity in cooking, he says. The feedback we have had from Sainsburys was very positive and we are hopeful that this campaign will have played an important role in ensuring that consumers broaden their horizons when purchasing seafood.
We are particularly proud of the sustainability credentials of our Scottish rope-grown mussels, which also seems to appeal to consumers.
SSMG mussels are independently certified by both the Marine Stewardship Council and the Friend of the Sea for the environmentally-friendly manner in which they are grown.
Switch the Fish Campaign a Big Success for Scottish Mussels
UK - Rope grown mussels from the Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group enjoyed a great reception from consumers during Sainsburys recent Switch the Fish campaign.
by Lucy Towers