In the field of fish health, it can often be easy to jump to a wrong conclusion, particularly where the assessment of the efficacy of sea lice treatment is concerned. Assessment of treatment efficacy requires a broad view and a number of factors must be taken …
Sea lice have been around salmon farms as Public Enemy No 1 for as long as I can remember. The control of sea lice infestations continues to be one of the most important areas that fish farmers need to address, writes David Cox, Fish Vet Group.
As the fishing season peaks, the waters of British Columbia should be boiling over with sockeye salmon, instead they lie quiet and still, writes Adam Anson, TheFishSite. The disastrous failure of this year's run has led to many angry questions, but like the fi…
Once described as the holy grail of aquaculture, a new breakthrough in cod may be about to change the way we farm fish forever, writes Adam Anson, TheFishSite.
Fish welfare is addressed under two headings, Farming practices and Health management, says Marine Harvest in their sustainability report 2008. Here, the the worlds leading seafood company outlines its recent efforts to improve the welfare of its fish over the…
Observations of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) returning to rivers in Scotland, England and Wales exhibiting bleeding, swollen, haemorrhagic vents were first made in 2003, writes Patricia Noguera, Melinda Beck, Chris Williams & Matt Longshaw, for this …
Koi HerpesVirus (KHV) causes a highly virulent disease affecting carp (Cyprinus carpio) and poses a serious socio-economic threat to the UK carp industry, writes Nick Taylor, Keith Way, Peter Dixon, Edmund Peeler, Keith Jeffery & Kevin Denham - Cefas.
Commercial farming of tilapia (Tilapia niloticus) in England and Wales has expanded significantly over the last few years, but what threat does an emerging disease now pose, asks Keith Jeffery, Cefas Weymouth Laboratory.