In a paper published June 3, 2015 in the online journal PLOS ONE, University of Connecticut researchers Jan-Michael Hessenauer and Jason C. Vokoun, both in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, report on fisheries induced evolution (FIE) in …
A new study from The University of Cambridge shows that cichlid fish reared in larger social groups from birth display a greater and more extensive range of social interactions.
Purdue University research has discovered that wild-type zebrafish consistently beat out genetically modified Glofish in competition for female mates, an advantage that led to the disappearance of the transgene from the fish population over time.
A type of microsporidian parasite is severely affecting aquaculture in Asia. This report by Dr Stephen Newman addresses best practice in reducing the pathogen. Taken from the Global Aquaculture Advocate, a Global Aquaculture Alliance publication.
Fish species capable of warming their body core are able to swim two and a half times faster than those whose body temperature does not change, according to a study from the University of California, Santa Barbara and other institutions.
The stocking rate of channel catfish in aquaculture can affect production, but what effect does it have on the development of off-flavours in fish flesh? This study by Bartholomew Green and Kevin Schrader from the US Department of Agriculture aimed to answer t…
Dr Shelley Clarke, Technical Coordinator-Sharks and Bycatch of the ABNJ Tuna Project under the FAO-led Common Oceans Program, co-authored a global review of status and mitigation measures for bycatch in longline fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species.
A new study has shown that the dottyback, a small predatory reef fish, can change the colour of its body to imitate a variety of other reef fish species, allowing the dottyback to sneak up undetected and eat their young.
Salmon recovery and the potential detrimental effects of dams on fish have been attracting national attention due to the environmental and economic implications. In recent years acoustic telemetry has been the primary method for studying salmon passage, but no…
The manner and routes of dispersal vary with the species and the ecological conditions. Many fish form shoals to avoid predation. Shoaling with familiar conspecifics affords the fish an even greater advantage by increasing the benefit for relatives. This promo…
The level of success we get in catfish farming is usually tied to the level of management practices we decide to put in place in conjuction with the level of efficiency we achieve from our culture systems, writes Lanre Ogunsina, Fish Unlimited. Part 2 and 3 co…