While Nile perch popularity in the German market was enhanced by Naturland certification, the US will probably face strong competition from Australian barramundi.
The herring has much to learn from potatoes and coffee when it comes to marketing and developing new products, according to Audun Iversen, Research Scientist at the food research institute Nofima
In an effort to find new markets for the Gulf Coast oyster industry, Subramaniam Sathivel, associate professor of food engineering in the LSU AgCenters Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Department of Food Science, investigates the devel…
This short discussion paper by Sustainable FisheriesPartnership (SFP) examines the arguments infavour of public access to environmental informationaround salmon aquaculture and the benefits forproducers, and reviews the current arrangementsin four different lo…
There is a strong level of consensus among the aquaculture industry, NGOs and consumer organisations that certified organic aquacultureoffers credible ways to overcome the sustainability deficits of this sector. Speaking at Aquaculture Europe 2011, Stefan Berg…