One of the UK’s largest aquaculture operations – which ultimately aims to cultivate scallops, oysters and seaweed in novel systems over a 25-hectare site off Yorkshire – is due to get started in the coming months.
Alexia Akbay, founder and CEO of seaweed farming start-up Symbrosia, explains to The Fish Site how the company aims to both reduce the carbon footprint and improve the productivity of ruminant livestock agriculture.
Urchinomics is opening its first land-based sea urchin ranch in Norway, in a project that could both improve marine habitats and help diversify the country's aquaculture sector.
The following tips are designed to help small-scale aquaculture operators, particularly in Asia and Africa, reduce their environmental impacts and embrace operational sustainability.
The diversification of aquaculture is vital for the long-term success of the sector, argues Øyvind J Hansen, in the first instalment of an exclusive new series by Nofima.
Nick James, the founder of South Africa’s legendary Rivendell Hatchery, looks back on a colourful aquacultural career as he prepares to put his life’s work on the market.
A programme that encourages the adoption of pond-based fish farming in Kenya is raising household incomes and halting the spread of sexually transmitted disease, according to World Neighbors.
A compelling vision for the industrial scale cultivation of seaweed was shared by Bert Groenendaal, from AtSea Nova, at the annual gathering of the Scottish Seaweed Industry Association in Oban this week.
Mulling over the next fish to invest in? Let’s take a cue from the ancient Egyptians and Romans, who have long loved their mullets (No, not the haircut).
While there has been some opposition to the recent rash of RAS plants being planned for Maine, proponents of the sector note the potentially huge economic benefits that they can bring to rural communities and the salmon farmers themselves believe that the tech…