A new artificial intelligence (AI) tool that can help provide a detailed evaluation of Atlantic salmon skin is currently being developed by researchers at Nofima.
Former economics teacher Alf-Gøran Knutsen is a well-known champion of the aquaculture sector. His farm, Kvarøy Arctic, helped to define the Whole Foods Farmed Salmon Standard and is the only farm to have the ASC, SFW, BAP, Global GAP, IBM Food Trust block cha…
Lara Barazi has been CEO of Kefalonia for 22 years, in the process growing production volumes of certified organic seabass and sea bream from 300 to 5,000 tonnes a year.
A new book details how Turkey has become a global aquaculture leader, and is now the world’s ninth largest marine finfish farmer. Other countries, particularly in Europe, could learn much from its example.