Dr Anna Silvia Pedrazanni, fish vet and key partner in Brazil’s Tilapia Welfare Project, discusses welfare, fish health and how Brazil has the potential to become the world’s top tilapia producer.
A pilot project that aims to use tilapia farming as a way to bring peace and economic prosperity to a violent part of rural Colombia is showing promising results, but there is still a long way to go.
The 32-year-old is the head of Dunamis Golden Farms, located at the Akuse end of the Volta Lake, in eastern Ghana, as well as a distributor of fish feed, and a provider of technical services to young fish farms.
Bangladesh’s finfish aquaculture industry must make key financial and technological investments following the Covid-19 pandemic in order to re-establish its growth trajectory.
Reliable figures on the carbon footprints of different aquaculture species are hard to find – not least due to the variety of production systems they come from – but all suggest that aquaculture holds its own against other forms of animal protein production.
While Canada-based Dr Thierry Chopin might widely be credited with coining the phrase integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) it is the Chinese who have been at the forefront of developing – and adopting – practical forms of polyculture.
The founder of the largest catfish farm in Nigeria’s Anambra State reflects on overcoming major financial setbacks, conquering prejudice and her hopes that fish farmers will one day have access to reasonable loans.
Donnie Bunting started out in the dairy industry but decided to farm tilapia to stay ahead of the curve. Now, his family-owned business has expanded and produces tilapia, redclaw crayfish and Malayan prawns.
An app designed to help aquaculture operators in the Philippines with their feeding regimes, fish health and to connect with suppliers, is being well received by the country’s farmers.
The case for aquaponics – typically the co-culture of fish and edible plants – as a means to improve food security may be regularly overstated by well-meaning idealists. Yet a range of aquaponics initiatives have proved their worth, as Austin Stankus explains,…
By identifying and eliminating production risks, Bangladesh’s pond aquaculture industry can become more efficient and remain on its current growth trajectory.
Producing tilapia in marine environments offers a number of advantages over traditional freshwater farming of these fish – saltwater is more readily available in most countries, escaped fish are less likely to become invasive, and tilapia produced in saline wa…