New trials to grow native oysters are seen as the first step in a considerable expansion of aquaculture in one of Europe’s largest natural harbours, Milford Haven.
Tidal power lagoons proposed along the British coast should have aquaculture development built into the planning process, in order to harness the massive benefits of co-location, according to a leading shellfish expert, writes Justyn Jones.
Gaining Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) accreditation for its rope-grown mussels last week will act as an added incentive for Loch Fyne Oysters (LFO) to achieve its ambitious growth targets, according to its managing director.
Eight of the 40 companies to reach the finals of this year’s Fish 2.0 competition are involved in, or have links to, the culture of bivalves – a measure of the innovative ideas emerging from, and being devoted to, the US shellfish farming sector.
Offshore longline mussel farming can have a positive impact on biodiversity, according to a research project that is currently underway off the south coast of England.
Following his recent nomination for Seawebs Seafood Champion Award for Advocacy, Maine oyster farmer Bill Mook speaks to The Fish Site about how shellfish farmers can help prevent continuing ocean acidification and divert the supertanker of climate change.