One of the UK’s largest aquaculture operations – which ultimately aims to cultivate scallops, oysters and seaweed in novel systems over a 25-hectare site off Yorkshire – is due to get started in the coming months.
Shellfish cultivation, rather than tree planting, holds the key to carbon sequestration and the bid to battle global warming, according to Dr David Moore.
A recent study has confirmed that mussel and oyster farming can play a key role in improving water quality by removing hundreds of tonnes of nitrogen from coastal bays and estuaries.
While aquaculture is often associated with degrading water quality, invasive species introductions and the destruction of important coastal habitats, increasing evidence suggests that well-designed and managed aquaculture – particularly of shellfish and seawee…
The use of aquaculture-derived waste products to grow secondary crops – such as used in biofloc systems or aquaponics – can increase profits by more than 20 percent, as some of the leading proponents of this field explain.
Oyster restoration has long been a priority for The Nature Conservancy. Shellfish serve as nature’s water-purification system, filtering sediment, algae and excess nutrients from the water. Their reefs provide nurseries and feeding grounds for fish and other c…