The National Health and Quality (SENASA) seized 5000 kg of shellfish, fish and seafood, for a control procedure, held last July 23 in the town of Rawson, Chubut Province.
The procedure, performed in a facility of that locality, conducted thematic coordination with the Food Safety Regional Center with Patagonia Sur provincial police.
In the operation, control agents found that the goods in question had no signs, dates, or source identification, violating health regulations in force and in violation of Decree 4238/68.
Bivalve molluscs were also lacking paralysing toxin analysis
The distortion of the fishery products was performed with hydrocarbons for subsequent burial in municipal landfill.
5000 Kilos of Shellfish, Fish Confiscated in Rawson
ARGENTINA - The National Health and Quality (SENASA) and denatured seized 5000 kg of shellfish, fish and seafood, for a control procedure, held last July 23 in the town of Rawson, Chubut Province.
by Lucy Towers