On January 22, 2012, Argentina issued Decree 25/2013 increasing import duties under the Common
External Tariff (CET) of Mercosur for 100 products including over a dozen agricultural products. The
list had been anticipated since July 2012 after the Mercosur customs union agreed that member
countries would raise import duties on 100 tariff lines of their choosing up to their bound rates. Brazil
presented its list several months ago, Paraguay is momentarily suspended from Mercosur, and Uruguay
has a more open policy and has not presented its list yet. The rates will be effective immediately
through December 2014, with the option for annual renewal. In addition to agricultural products, the
list also includes food processing machinery, agricultural equipment, equipment for mining and
petroleum, computers, tires for all types of vehicles, sunglasses, motorcycles, cosmetics, personal
hygiene, plastic and textiles.
Agricultural products affected under this Decree are: