The five-year $29 million fund aims torestore the ecological health of Lake Simcoe and South-eastern Georgian Bay and improve water quality for the residents and wildlife of the region.
Lake Simcoe and South-eastern Georgian Bay are important natural resources, vital sources of drinking water, and regional economic drivers. Our Government is proud to contribute to projects that will help ensure the long-term sustainability of Canadas lakes and waterways, said MP Van Loan.
The Lake Simcoe/South-eastern Georgian Bay Clean-Up Fund will support community-based projects that are focused on priorities such as reducing phosphorous inputs from urban and rural sources, restoring fish and aquatic wildlife habitat and populations, and addressing nearshore toxic and nuisance algae growth.
This important investment to clean up Lake Simcoe and South-eastern Georgian Bay is part of the Governments Action Plan for Clean Water, which includes projects like the clean-up of contaminated sediment in Great Lakes Areas of Concern, and action on pollution in Lake Winnipeg. It builds on the success of the 2007-2012 $30 million Lake Simcoe Clean-Up Fund.
Funding for South Eastern Georgian Bay Clean-Up Project Announced
CANADA - Peter Van Loan, Member of Parliament for York-Simcoe, on behalf of Peter Kent, Canadas Environment Minister, has announced that funding is available for clean-up projects through the Lake Simcoe/South-eastern Georgian Bay Clean-Up Fund.
by Lucy Towers