A mariculturist observed a red tide at Yung Shue Au fish culture zone on June 12 and it still persists. No associated death of fish has been reported by mariculturists so far.
"The red tide was formed by Scrippsiella trochoidea, which is common in Hong Kong waters and non-toxic," a spokesman for the working group said.
The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) urged mariculturists at Yim Tin Tsai, Yim Tin Tsai East, Yung Shue Au and Lo Fu Wat fish culture zones to monitor the situation closely.
Red tide is a natural phenomenon. The AFCD's proactive phytoplankton monitoring programme will continue monitoring red tide occurrences to minimise the impact on the mariculture industry and the public.
Red Tide Sighted in Fish Culture Zone
HONG KONG - A red tide has been sighted in Hong Kong waters over the past week, an inter-departmental red tide working group reported.
by Lucy Towers